Reimbursement Policy

Bike Dearborn Reimbursement Policy

Effective 10/01/2022


This policy is intended to clarify and streamline the spending and reimbursement of organization funds to further Bike Dearborn’s mission to create a safe bicycling community in Dearborn.

Summary Approval Process

  1. Get approval for expense in monthly meeting
    1. For incidental <$50 expenses in support of an event, approval from one on-site board member is sufficient
  2. Submit approved reimbursement form with itemized receipt to treasurer 
  3. Receive reimbursement check

Approval Process

Approval is typically requested and given in the monthly Bike Dearborn board meeting. All expenses above $50 must be pre-approved. Expenses in excess of $300 must be approved by four board members or half of the team in attendance, whichever is greater. Approval will be noted in the meeting minutes.

For incidental expenses less than $50 that are in support of an approved event, approval may be granted by one on-site board member. The approver will need to sign the reimbursement request form. These requests will be submitted to and reviewed by the treasurer. In the monthly board meeting the treasurer will give a summary of all such expenses. 

Once an expense is approved, an itemized receipt must be submitted to the treasurer with the date of expense approval within 60 days of the transaction to receive reimbursement.

Reimbursable Expenses

Expenses must align with the mission and vision of Bike Dearborn and not be for personal gain. Examples of reimbursable expenses include:

  • Supplies for a scheduled Bike Dearborn event
  • Materials for construction or maintenance of a public bike rack or repair station
  • Pamphlets, posters, and other handouts for promoting the organization and events
  • Training that will improve the quality and safety of Bike Dearborn Events
  • Clothing to be sold for fundraising

Examples of non-reimbursable expenses include:

  • A bike for the ride leader
  • Personal riding gear
  • Photo or video equipment to film Bike Dearborn events

Travel Expenses

Except in special circumstances, Bike Dearborn does not reimburse travel expenses.

Form of reimbursement 

Reimbursement will come in the form of a check.

Reimbursement Approval Form