The Tandem Bike in Itself is Unique

Pat and Mary Margaret are an integral part of our Bike Dearborn Community.  The sweetness of affection these two display for one another is something to see!   Mary Margaret was born and raised in Dearborn. They currently live in the house Mary Margaret’s dad had built. They were married in 1970, 49 years and counting.  I did ask Pat, why they choose to join us every week, and he stated, ¨riding with my sweetheart, of course¨.

These two are not easy to miss on our bike rides every Wednesday.  Pat and Mary Margaret ride a red tandem bike, which is unique in itself!  Pat had the tandem custom made in California.  Mary Margaret had some health issues that lead them to start riding a tandem bike.  Riding a tandem bikes requires a lot of teamwork and trust!

The love of their daughter shined through when I was asking them questions.  Pat shared that she teaches at Ohio State and Mary Margaret bleeds green and white, not red, as they both smiled at each other, wearing their Spartan lanyards and we all laughed!

If you have not had the opportunity to introduce yourself to them, please do!  They have some great stories to share for their love for each other, biking , and their family.

Jen (#corkergirl)

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One thought on “The Tandem Bike in Itself is Unique

  1. We’re in season #4 with our Walk n Roll events! Pat and Mary Margaret have joined our weekly events since our very first season!!

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